I’m hoping that this week will be full of tips on how to navigate those out of routine times in our journey. Sometimes we are left at the mercy of others when it comes to what we eat. Or we can stick to our commitment and promise to placing Christ First in all areas of our lives, including our body which is God’s Temple. Kirsten and I have already sat at the dinner table at a fried food joint as the rest of the group dined on Brown colored creations. It was difficult to have people wanting you to eat but you can’t. Kirsten and I are very sensitive to the groups needs and we feel odd most of time, but you can make great decisions while away from home. You can sit at the table with others and not eat because nothing is healthy. I’ve done it several times now and I will do it today as well. Kirsten and I will be packing our lunch and we will be cooking our own dinners. Or you can cave to the pressure of others and temptation. Let’s be honest, I love food. It’s like an alcoholic at the bar for me. I see the food and my mind races to figure out how I could eat it. I would love to eat fried foods and still be healthy, unfortunately I can’t do that, I won’t do that, no one should eat this.

I’m not sure how many of you go away and blow off your excersice and healthy living lifestyle. I would argue if you give into the temptation of the unhealthy food around you and you stop working out, it’s not much of a lifestyle for you. Maybe you adjusted your food alittle to lose a few pounds but you still cheat and eat the wrong things. Maybe you cave to the pressure of others, family, friends or those in your traveling group.
My advice, do what pleases the Lord not yourself or those around you. God wants you to be healthy and sometimes the rest of the world gets in the way. Pray and trust that God will provide a way for you to place Him first in your life. I promise you He will, He has for me already.
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