So I'm going to say something and you may not agree. Maybe your struggling with your weight and your weight has changed your life for the worse. Perhaps you use your weight as an excuse to continue unhealthy behaviors. Have you ever caught yourself thinking "It is what it is, I can't change".
Hopefully I have your attention.
I used my weight as an excuse for a very long time. So long in fact, I would consider myself a professional excuse maker. I've heard and used most of the excuses.
In the last few years I've been teaching people about a symptom of depression. I know I used the D word and people get so bent on that. There not depressed, There life is perfect. So what if my husband isn't around much or my wife nags me constantly to lose weight. Here is another D word for you: denial, and I'm not talking about a river in Egypt. Wake up and start working at making your life better. Take a long hard look at your life and ask yourself how it can be better. Then
"Do Work Son".

Your weight, your struggling relations, your lack of "Want To", are all symptoms of something darker inside. Past traumatic events, abuse, depression, all left unhealed. I created our Christ First Weight Loss ministry to help those who suffer from these issues. Together our support groups help us understand how to make the changes we need, in order to restore our lives: Spiritually, Physically, Emotionally, and Mentally. It's time to cure whats causing your symptoms. Call Today 815-235-2824.
Expect a Miracle
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