Monday, September 16, 2013
Back At It!
My name is Kevin Eckert. I'm the Youth Director at St. John UCC in Freeport IL. I started my weight loss journey at 455 + lbs. At the time the scales I had didn't weight over that so I truly have no idea at what weight my journey started. God lead me to a wonderful weight loss group call First Place 4 Health. This faith based weight loss program begun the transformation of me spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. For several years I worked at getting me healthy. I experienced great success with weight loss and continually challenged myself physically. After a few years I was encouraged to begin my own weight loss group at my church. After several years and over a hundred participants I began my biggest challenge yet. In the early months of 2011 I found that I had injured my back. I had sustained quite a severe injury and it was quite depressing. I had a surgery to correct the pain but the relief was short lives. In January 2012 I found myself in the hospital for my back, again. I felt defeated and hopeless. The depression was so great that I turned back to food to self medicate my depression. I knew I needed to pursue a healthy lifestyle but the depression won the battle for several seasons. I struggled and stumbled as a leader, husband and father. I came to a point with my depression that I decided to get help. I began to prepare for a "Come Back". Struggles with weight will be a life long journey. I know with God's guidance I will restore this temple He has provided me. I can't do this alone. I have an extremely supportive family and a wonderful weight loss support group. My journey hasn't been easy and I have along road ahead of me. Please keep me in your prayers.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
God’s Calling
Saturday, February 25, 2012
New Members
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Three Weeks Left!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Just a Symptom
Hopefully I have your attention.
I used my weight as an excuse for a very long time. So long in fact, I would consider myself a professional excuse maker. I've heard and used most of the excuses.
In the last few years I've been teaching people about a symptom of depression. I know I used the D word and people get so bent on that. There not depressed, There life is perfect. So what if my husband isn't around much or my wife nags me constantly to lose weight. Here is another D word for you: denial, and I'm not talking about a river in Egypt. Wake up and start working at making your life better. Take a long hard look at your life and ask yourself how it can be better. Then "Do Work Son".

Friday, August 19, 2011
Team Weight Loss Challenge
We began to discuss other options for motivating each other to succeed with our weight loss efforts. We decided that each group (Monday & Wednesday) will each split into two competing teams. This way each group is competing against people they know and see on a weekly basis. This will be a percentage lost contest. We will add up the entire teams efforts to determine the winning team from each group.
What’s the prize? Well, after some discussion amongst the Wednesday group members a very fun idea emerged. The losing team has to cook and serve a healthy 4 coarse meal to the winners. That in itself will be a challenge to keep under 600 calories.
This challenge will begin August 22nd (Monday Group) and August 24th (Wednesday Group). It will end on Nov. 7th (Monday Group) and Nov. 9th(Wednesday Group).
If you are a member of Christ First you will be assigned to a team. Please be sure to make arrangements for your first weigh in if you are unable to attend class next week. Your team is counting on you.