I've become a big fan of the OnSugar blog Yoga Off the Mat, but I think this most recent post is my favorite.My great friend / yoga colleague Cindy Storman told me a wonderful story recently. I just had to share this with everyone.I've known Cindy for almost a decade now, and she has not aged a bit. Good genes and longevity run in her family.So picture Cindy, at her Great Aunt Esther's 100th birthday party. Since her Aunt Esther is in such great shape, both physically and mentally, she wanted to mark this milestone, and a huge party was thrown in her honor. Over 100 of her family and friends joined for the celebration.
During the party, she was sitting in a chair with her tiara on. Her many children, grandchildren, great gran children, and the children of their children all gathered around her. They began to share stories about her through the years... all on film.At one point, Cindy asked her Auntie, 'What do you think the secret to your longevity is?'Esther thought for a moment, and then said 'Oh, it's the yoga, it's definitely the yoga.'
Cindy was shocked. Cindy has taught yoga for more than ten years, and had never heard her Auntie mention yoga to her. Auntie continued to explain wisely how you have to do one side, and then the other. And you have to do it reeeaaal slow. And you have to have a good yoga teacher, 'like my Cindy over here.' (This made Cindy smile.)Then Cindy asked, 'So, exactly how long have you been doing yoga? 'Aunt Esther replied 'Oh... about 6 months now.'I love this story. You are never too old to start a yoga practice!
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